Plein air painting 2024
Location: kolai,santiniketan, westbengal
Plein air painting have always helped me in my practice.everytime when I am in doubt or have an art blocked, I take my colors ,some papers and go out to the matured. Santiniketan has a lot of landscapes and is just the right place to do that.everywhere u look around is anew potential composition.
just looking at landscapes ,framing compositions itself can help in your studio works.most of the time ,just before starting a large painting project I go out and try to do some plein air painting and I find it really helpfull in many ways.matching colors and trying to create the shade of color u see in front of you is always a challenge I love.
time is the next important factor.I try to finish the painting as fast as possible to capture the impression of what I see and not focus on every tiny detail.everything is a swatch of color shade to me when I paint.I also paint in small sizes so that I can finish them faster.
Above are some of the plein air painting I did in 2024.